Working Together in Faith, Trust, and Love
We Strive to Foster Faithful Witnesses of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that will Shape a Strong UCC Identity with Effective Staffing that Equips and Empowers Local Churches, Clergy and Lay for Transformative Ministry and Growth.
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Data Hub Reports Are Due March 21st.
This is a new data hub system, so don't be alarmed if it looks different. We know the new system has been challenging, but we need you to complete them so your church information can be updated. Please email Jean Burnett at with any questions or for your church number.
Breaking News
Yearbook & Directory
We have extended the deadline to report/input Church data to April 11, 2025. We realize that there have been some issues with the new UCC Database and Directories (Data Hub) that have prevented some churches from entering data.
In addition to extending the deadline, we are also offering another option. Churches can enter all the data that we ask for via a survey format. To utilize this option, please click here.
Entering your Church data directly into the new UCC Database and Directories (DAD) is still an option.
Click here to access UCC Database and Directories (Data Hub)
ACCESS CODE: gracebounds
Discussions as We Approach Holy Week
“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you” Jeremiah 29:12
God promises to listen when we come to Him in prayer, inviting us into a relationship with Him.
In this season of Lent, as we seek a deeper understanding of our faith and find ways of expressing love for ourselves and our neighbor, we must believe in the power of prayer!
We have assembled during this season an excellent group of presenters from among our Southern Conference members. We believe that they will speak on critical subjects that will challenge us all: prayer, Grief, and Suffering. Many of us have and will experience these moments where our hearts, minds, and souls are challenged, and our present remedy will be prayer.
Each of these dynamic women of God has distinguished themselves in these particular areas, and all of us will gather to hear and listen to what God has for us through their ministry.
Beginning March 27th – April 10th, on Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, we will have a series on prayer each week from 6:30 to 7:00 pm, and from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, there will be topic discussions on grief, violence, and suffering. The presenters are as follows:
The Power of Prayer will be presented by Rev. Rose Wright-Scott, Victory Christian, Chesterfield, VA.
Retired Pastor Rev. Linda Clark (D.Min.) – (Grief) March 27th
Retired Pastor Rev. Nancy Allison (Ph.D.) – (Suffering) April 3rd
Join Zoom Meeting (same link for each week)
Meeting ID: 833 2687 9499
Passcode: 354201

If you don’t have internet access, you can dial in by calling 1 646 876 9923
March 18th - Congregational - Rev. Rollin Russell (D.Min.)
Chronological Timeline of Congregational Church History Reviewed During the Session
Listen to recording of this webinar HERE
Passcode required: I1&h6uXT
March 25th - Evangelical - Rev. Larry Bolick
April 1st - Christian - Rev. Rollin Russell
April 8th - 5th Stream - Rev. Yvonne Delk (D.Min.)
April 15th - Reformed - Rev. Larry Bolick
Each Lenten Season, the Southern Conference offers a Winter Bible Study. This year, beginning Tuesday, March 18th, the Southern Conference will again hold our 2025 Lenten Study Series. Both laity and clergy are invited!
The theme of the study is “History and Polity of the UCC Through the Lens of the Five Streams.” The sessions will be held on Zoom for consecutive Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. from March 18 through April 15, 2025.
We are fully committed to educating, equipping and empowering the body of the Southern Conference. We want to empower our clergy and laity to be more effective in their setting. We have discovered that many of our members know little about the History and Polity of the Southern Conference and The United Church of Christ. Therefore, we will introduce history and polity to educate the body and help gain a deeper understanding of the United Church of Christ.
This study will meet the requirement for the UCC History & Polity Course for authorized ministers and MIDs as required in the UCC Manual on Ministry. You must be present for all five sessions (with your camera turned on) in order to receive credit.
You can access the sessions on Zoom at this link:
You can also access it by going to Select “meet,” and “join a meeting” and enter the following:
Meeting ID: 835 6136 3672
Passcode: 439100