
H.O.P.E. involves Long-Term Recovery

by C. L. Stumb, editor

Photo (left) provided by Rev. Sara Wilcox

L>R: Katie Howe (UCC H.O.P.E.), Sara Wilcox (Land of the Sky UCC pastor), Danielle Hickman (UCC H.O.P.E.) and Caroline Hamilton-Arnold (Disciples of Christ Associate Disaster Response Minister)

“Helene, Helene, we have not forgotten you. Your waters invaded our spaces beyond what we once imagined possible,” are words that continue to echo in the rural hollows, village streets and urban spaces in the Appalachian region of Western North Carolina. 

Two emissaries from Cleveland reminded UCC congregations in the Asheville and Boone areas that they also have not been forgotten by the United Church of Christ. Katie Howe, UCC minister for disaster response and recovery, was in Southern Conference after the hurricane; she also facilitated a four session education series on Zoom for the region; and now has returned this past week. She was accompanied on this trip by Danielle Hickman, minister for Volunteer Engagement, both from the office of Global H.O.P.E. (Humanitarian: Opportunities, Partnerships, and Empowerment).

Sitting in the library of High Country UCC with that church’s pastor, Sarah Parker, and member Jeanne Tayloe, they described their visit as a “fact finding mission.” “How can we support you?” they asked, and “how can we resource your ministries in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene?” Hickman was also exploring opportunities for volunteers in other regions to respond, including possible sites for volunteer work camps.

A lunch setting at F.A.R.M. Cafe (Feed All Regardless of Means) in Boone energized a philosophical dialogue around non-profits, networking and addressing community needs of hunger, homelessness, hospitality, and more.

In Asheville, Katie Howe connected with First Congregational UCC and Rev. Kendra Plating (D.Min.), offering a sermon in their Sunday morning worship. Both Katie and Danielle also engaged with Rev. Sara Wilcox at Land of the Sky UCC. Caroline Hamilton-Arnold (Disciples of Christ Associate Disaster Response Minister), spent tine with leadership at Christmount in Black Mountain, where they estimate recovery costs from Helene at close to $2 million.

February 15, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm (Saturday)

Shinnsville United Church of Christ Creates "Give Back Luncheon"

Download flyer

February 15 (Saturday)

Southern Conference Woman of the Year nominations are due; contact Rev. Tanya Best (919) 236-5728 with questions

February 22 (Saturday)

Southern Conference Board of Directors meets in Durham

February 23 (Sunday)

Celebrate Seminary Sunday / Read more

March 1 (Saturday)

Deadline for submitting James H. Lightbourne Jr. Scholarship applicationms. See the attached guidelines and application.

March 15 (Saturday)

JRVC Workday / contact Kevin@jrvc,org

March 23, 3:00 pm (Sunday)

Pastoral installation of Rev. Douglas Wooten (D.Min.) at Oak Level United Church of Christ, 5631 Jacksontown Rd., Manson, N.C.

April 4 (Friday)

Catawba College Clergy Retreat Day

April 4-6

JRVC Mother's / Women's Retreat. Read more / register HERE

April 12 (Saturday)

JRVC Workday / contact Kevin@jrvc,org

April 14-16, 2025

Retired Servants Retreat at Blowing Rock Conference Center. Event was re-scheduled because of Hurricane Helene.

June 19-21

Southern Conference Annual Meeting meets in Virginia

July 11-15, 2025

UCC General Synod 35 / Kansas City / Missouri Convention Center / Registration is now open.

Read more - General Synod 35 website

August 8-9, 2025

Wesley Grove UCC is sponsoring a bus trip to Lancaster, PA to see the stage play Noah - Celebrating 30 Years

Read more / download flyer with details


Celebrate Women's History Month with Life's Journey UCC

March 26, 10:30 am (Sunday)

Celebrate Women's History Month with Life's Journey UCC

2121 Edgewood Avenue, Burlington, N.C.

The following community leaders will challenge us to consider a present perspective along with future challenges and opportunities.

  • Susan Watson (Women's Resource Center, Alamance Co.)

  • Diana Moody (UCC's ENC Association Women's Ministry)

  • Representatives of Benevolence Farms

Contact Pastor Micah at

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WNCA Education Event

March 18, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon (Saturday)

Western N.C. Association Education Event. 

Topic: "With Hearts and Hands: Engaging our Communities with the Love of Christ." 

Reverend Susan Smith, Associate Pastor of Exodus Outreach UCC in Hickory will be the keynote speaker. This will be a virtual meeting

Read more and register HERE

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WNCA Education Event

Western North Carolina Association Association News

March 18, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon (Saturday)

Western N.C. Association Education Event. Topic: "With Hearts and Hands: Engaging our Communities with the Love of Christ." Reverend Susan Smith, Associate Pastor of Exodus Outreach UCC in Hickory will be the keynote speaker. This will be a virtual meet

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Movie Screening: The Ants and The Grasshopper

Wednesday, March 1, 7:00 pm ET

submitted by Rev. Brooks Berndt (Ph.D.)

UCC Minister for Environmental Justice

Join us online for a free screening of an acclaimed documentary that follows the life of the inspiring Anita Chitaya. After successfully confronting challenge after challenge in her home country of Malawi, Chitaya comes to the United States faced with the most difficult task of her life. In order to save her home from extreme weather, she seeks to persuade people in the United States that climate change is real. Register to join us on March 1st at 7 pm ET/6 pm CT/ 5 pm MT/4 pm PT/2 pm HT.

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AYCE Breakfast Dinner

Christian Church Uniting at 6049 Indian River Rd. Virginia Beach is hosting an AYCE Breakfast Dinner on Shrove Tuesday. Carry Out available

$10 for adults / Children under 12 free

Pancakes, quiche, hash browns, sausage, bacon, french toast casserole, scrambled egg casserole, drinks and more! Both pork and turkey meat choices will be available. 

All proceeds are going to the CCU building fund for a new roof. We hope you will join us for food and fellowship.

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