Justice Ministry
UCC Webinar
Transformative Faith in Toxic Times
submitted by Rev. Brooks Berndt (Ph.D.)
UCC Minister for Environmental Justice
April 9, 1:00 pm ET (Wednesday)
To help congregations prepare for Earth Sunday on April 27th, we will have a webinar on April 9th at 1 pm ET featuring an Earth Sunday resource from Creation Justice Ministries. The webinar is entitled “Transformative Faith in Toxic Times.” It will feature the lead author of the resource along with two grassroots faith leaders profiled in the resource.
Too often, our theology of God’s power has been shaped by images of dominion and control, mirroring human systems of exploitation and extraction. But Scripture reveals a different kind of power—one that flows through relationships, nurtures life, and brings healing to both people and planet. Creation Justice Ministries has released a new resource in time for Earth Sunday that explores life-giving theologies in conversation with those leading at the grassroots of a faith-rooted movement. In this webinar, we will hear from the lead author of the resource along with two of the faith leaders profiled in it. Even if you cannot make the webinar at its scheduled time of 1 pm ET on Wednesday, April 9th, still sign-up, and we will send you a link to a recording of it. Register now to join us!
UCC offers guidance for navigating today's troubled waters
by C. L. Stumb, editor
Organizers for the January 20 Interfaith Service in Memphis -- that included UCC General Minister and President Karen Georgia A. Thompson and Bishop William Barber II – spoke of America’s defining moment and rallied the mass meeting “For Such a Time as This.” A groundswell of voices are now expressing readiness to make a prophetic response, although some fears have also been sounded about “making us a bigger target.”
Heather Kimmel (UCC General Counsel and Secretary of the Corporation) has responded to inquiries for guidance, and said, regarding making the church a bigger target, “Maybe. But there’s no effective way to get information out other than on the web and by email. While I can never say 'it’s safe' to do anything . . . I do think it’s the best way. Other denominations are posting online as well.” She then added, “Please feel free to share with your churches broadly.”
The following are resources Kimmel has provided in her blog:
Immigration Enforcement Action: What Churches Need to Know
Webinar: Legal Considerations for Churches Engaged in Sanctuary/Migrant Ministries
Sanctuary Ministries: Legal Risks and Considerations
ICE at Churches
+++ Additionally, Kimmel said the National Immigration Law Center just posted the following: Factsheet. Trump’s Rescission of Protected Areas Policies Undermines Safety for All